Auto Shop & Smog Check Station in Los Angeles, CA
When your vehicle needs any type of maintenance or repairs, visit Tires & Lube Auto Care/Smog Check Station, your full-service auto shop in Los Angeles. We’re proud to offer both honest and high-quality service and smog check inspections for foreign and domestic vehicles.
Auto Services & Smog Check Inspections
When you need an auto shop in Los Angeles, CA that can provide a full range of auto repair services in a single location, visit Tires & Lube Auto Care/Smog Check Station.
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domestic and foreign vehicles
We work with both domestic and foreign vehicles and are able to provide any service you need, from brake and suspension work to high-performance upgrades and 24/7 towing. While there’s no shortage of auto mechanics in the area, when it’s your car that needs attention, you don’t want to trust the job to just anyone. As members of the International Automotive Technician Network and participants in the Consumer Assistance Program, we offer honest and dependable service every time.
Using only the finest equipment
We Offer competitive prices
back on the road in no time
Regardless of how carefully you drive or how well you maintain your car, it’s a simple fact of life that vehicles need professional maintenance and repairs every once in a while. As experienced technicians offering high-quality auto repair in Los Angeles, CA, our team can ensure that your vehicle is treated with the care it deserves and you’re back on the road again in no time. Contact us today!